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Friends of..

The Friends of Baildon Moor is a voluntary organisation dedicated to the conservation of Baildon Moor, a much loved and popular open common bordering Rombalds and Ilkley Moor in Yorkshire. The challenge it faces is supporting a multitude of often competing outdoor activities without damaging this precious community space.

Their Purpose:

  1. To work in collaboration with Bradford Metropolitan District Council and others to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of Baildon Moor.
  2. To promote Baildon Moor as an open space amenity of education, recreation and leisure time in the interests of social welfare and with the objective of enhancing the quality of life of those living, working near or visiting Baildon Moor.

They have their own website (the text above was taken from it) that you can find here.

The Denso Marston Nature Reserve is a strip of land between the Denso Marston factory and the river. Friends logo

In 2005 the initiative to form a friends group was launched to increase public involvement and provide the qualification for external funding to improve the reserve and its value to the community.

There are several committee meetings and an AGM held each year, along with reserve inspections.

They are always pleased to welcome new members.

If you would like to join them to support their valuable work you can get a membership form from the downloads section of their website.

Annual membership is only £6 per household.

The money they receive from donations and membership fees is used to fund equipment and materials needed for their reserve projects.

Keep an eye on the calendar on this website or go to their website to find details of the guided walks around the reserve.