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Eating and Drinking

Places to eat and drink around Baildon

Akhtars of Baildon are at 3 Cliffe Avenue, BD17 6NY

Tele: 01274 532313

Traditional Asian Cuisine

Open 6 days (Closed Monday) except Bank Holidays

Sunday - Thursday 5pm - 11pm

Friday and Saturday 5pm - midnight

10% discount on collection.

Midweek Madness

Buy any 2 meals and get the 3rd free (Tues, Weds & Thurs)

Sunday Special buy 1 curry and get 2nd half price.

Restaurant and Take Away service.

9 Browgate
BD17 6BP

Open 6 days (Including Bank Holidays)

Tele: 01274 585 600

Website: balti-house.com

EmailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Facebook: Balti-House

Opening Hours
  From   To
Monday 5:30pm  -  11:00pm
Tuesday Closed    
Wednesday & Thursday  5:30pm  -  11:00pm
Friday & Saturday 5:30pm  -  Midnight
Sunday 5:30pm  -  11:00pm


Balti House





Classic Cuisine, Catering

01274 585790

Ghyll-beck, Driving Range and Restaurant, Esholt Lane, Baildon, BD17 7RJ

You can read more about the Old Barn Bar and Restaurant on their website here.

You can read more about the driving range here.


Hollins Hall is a Marriott Hotel & Country Club with an 18 hole golf course.

More details can be seen on their website here.

Hoyle Court, Otley Road, Baildon, BD17 6JS

Available for Civil Wedding Ceremonies and Wedding Receptions

01274 584110

They have their own website here.

Jani's Restaurant

6 Northgate, Baildon Shipley BD17 6JX

Tel: 01274 582500

Address: 21 Northgate, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD17 6JZ

Phone:01274 582320

Hours (daily):12:00–11:00 pm

Pub on Otley Road near the bottom of Hollins Hill

Address: 9 Northgate, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire BD17 6LX

Phone:01274 581415


Monday 12:00 – 23:00
Tuesday 12:00 – 23:00
Wednesday 12:00 – 23:00
Thursday 12:00 – 24:00
Friday 12:00 – 24:00
Saturday 12:00 – 24:00
Sunday 12:00 – 23:00
The Angel
The Angel