
Our Mission

  • Commemorate historic figures & sites 
  • Preserve Baildon’s rich history 
  • Preserve Baildon’s green spaces  
  • Foster civic pride 
  • Provide educational resources 

Built Environment

Baildon Historic and Civic Society intends to identify historic buildings and features of Baildon, provide information about them to the residents of Baildon and work with others for their preservation.

Here you will find details of buildings and features.

Potted Meat Stick
Roe Deer on Baildon Moor

Green Spaces

Green spaces, and the wildlife that they support, are an important part of the attraction of Baildon and need to be managed appropriately.

Here you will find details of some of the Green Spaces.

Baildon People

Many people have played a key role in the development of Baildon and they, along with others who were born or lived here, need celebrating.

Here you will find details of some of these people.

Matthew Hoggard

Who are we?

Baildon residents who want to help:-

  • Preserve Baildon’s rich history.
  • Foster civic pride
  • Provide educational resources
  • Commemorate historic figures & sites